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Pat walker weight loss austin tx - plausible rambler weight loss austin tx

20-12-2016 à 07:07:36
Pat walker weight loss austin tx
I had it since May 03 and my ob-gyn was not concerned about it. Her eyes were closed but she clutched my hand when I held it. 44. Debulking surgery was done 4 days later and there were two large tumors removed. I had added fish oil, gingko biloba, biotin, multivitamin, and other things to my repertoire and it was a chore every day to take them all. I knew my hair would fall out, so I shaved my head prior to my 1st treatment because it made me feel like I was more in control. One day before her death, two very big boils with untolerable sever pain appear on her buttock and one boil appeared on her forehead a couple of hours before she died. Everyone wants to either learn how to throw a punch or dodge one. I remember crying uncrontrollably at the thought of not having my mom around. We wonder if we would have researched this disease when she was initially diagnosed and possibly challenged her doctors if life would somehow be different now. Please join our family and friends and the Norma Livingston Foundation to raise money to fund research for ovarian cancer. She had told me she lost 20 lbs and was tiny to begin with. I have not seen an onocologist since I got diagnosed. Women, realize that if you have indications of Lynch Syndrome, do not let your gynecologist tell you increasing pain and clotting is perimenopause. So he was sheduled for surgery in Richmond. My mom could not believe her ears, she had a hysterectomy 30 years ago. How could I leave my 16 year-old daughter who spent 2 years in foster care after her bio-mom left her. I had almost no symptoms except for some occassional bloating and gas starting around September 2004. It turned out that both my ovaries were affected, not just one as the MRI and ultrasound had indicated. He cut her vertically about 12 to 16 inches long. But the pain and fear increased so we called our nurse and we were able to move the surgery up. At the age of 34 she had a complete hysterectomy, with 8 harsh treatments of chemo to follow. My surgeon has told me that I need to lose 100 pounds and keep it off in order for the hernia repair to actually work. It was, without a doubt, the longest weekend of my life. He also found out that I had ovarian and uterine cancer. That may seem mean, but I did not want to wait another minute. The intensity of the pain, and a massive lump on the left side of my abdomen. Far fewer complications this way but more nausea and I hated that. It is her body and I must respect her feelings and her choice. And I was privileged to be there for all of it. Mama had a few rounds of radiation that did not work so they sent her home on hospice in late June 2003. as she was on maternity leave and all other drs. Now I have staples in lung, screws in abdomen. I was lucked out I guess, my nauses was kept to a minimum with steroids although I mostly ate salads. Finally, I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired, my husband took me to the emergency room. I switched doctors in 20004 and I did not have a gyn at this time. Well to make a long story short, after a lot of tests and needles, I had surgery the day after I was put in the hospital, 2 days of no food at this point also. I eat mainly organic unprocessed food and drink purified water. within six hours I was on the operating table. After starting it, she only got sicker and it seemed that the chemo was only contributing to that instead of making her better. But shortly after that she stopped eating and got very weak. I had my routine physical with my OBYGYNE in the US in May 2009, and all test results were good. Over the next few months I got to know them very well and they advised me on everything from managing chemo side effects to the best mystery novels to read. And here it is exactly a year since my diagnoses and I am cancer free and living life. Took care of her grandson when he got home from school. I did not have the heart to tell Karan when she arrived from the recovery room. They found a cyst on my left ovary, which concerned them because it was large. We are very close and this is devastating. I am seeking out a second opinion and am waiting to hear from this doctor. I was having problems with my bowels and had to go to the bathroom everytime I ate. I was scared because my Dad had died from stomach cancer and I was also frustrated. She died after two days of 18th cycle of chemotherapy. She would have to wait for six weeks or more before she could do chemo again. I am glad that all the breast cancer research has gone so well and that so much is being done to advance detection and treatment but we need to be able to say the same for OVCA. They told me the results of the CT scan, said the OVCA had spread throughout the whole body and was now in the bones (several of them). She had an infection and had to be hospitalized in November for a week. My other sister died of breast cancer 9 years ago at the age of 45, while my mom died of ovarian cancer 35 years ago when I was only 11 years old. The rest of her story is a battle with many ups and downs. 05. Now that you know a little bit about the happy times of my life, let me tell you about the sadder years. June 11, 2012: I am at the hospital to have a CT guided biopsy done on my right pelvic mass. My sisters and my brother are all pitching in to care for them both, as we all have our own families, it has been a little crazy but we all know they would do the same for each and every one of us. Mom was in and out of nursing homes because it was only me and my mom at home. 2005. Our names were called again and this time I chose to wait where I was at and allow my older brother to take my place. Everything more or less started from there, a week later I had an appointment with Radiology, blood test (CA-125), and a couple of days later I had an appointment to see the Gynaecologist. Levine is the best in his field in the USA. They gave me meds and told me that everything was going to be good now. Everything seemed to be under control for a while, but the heavy bleeding and cramps came back, and I started complaining of spotting between periods. The MRI results were back on Friday the 13th. At that time what I was told that it a low malignant ovarian cancer, it was considered to be a new cell type and with surgery I was cured. I was scheduled on Sept. We went to see her neurologists and they said she looked good. I went next door to the lounge and almost immediately she came flying in telling me to hurry up. My mom started her chemotherapy shortly after her debalking and got through her first treatment with a breeze. I feel okay these days, except for a few other unrelated ailments, and am finally getting over the chemo. Additional tools to detect and fight this cancer are so desperately needed. She never did walk again or speak clear or even completely focus her eyes. I was lucky they had an opening the very next day. Chemo made her sick and unable to work most of the time. the gift of time, love, living in the moment and just enjoying a great healthy day. She loves her profession, because she loves working with and helping others. In September 2006 I had a six hour surgery. Anyways, she was still in the fighting frame of mind. My mother and father are both sixty four years old had never been on a plane in their entire lives. This was all taking place in my hometown, the chemo that is, and I had an appointment with the Oncologist Gyn in May and all of these started in February. Happy because I lived the life I had, and I was at peace, because I knew Jesus and others were waiting for me. She had a CT scan in December showing possible spleen and stomach affected again. My second opinion doctor still must look at the sonograms and MRI before her final opinion, which she should be giving me this week (first week of 2014). I went to my doctor and he ran test after test and could not find anything. Really after lung surgery I thought maybe Dr is right and let it go. For everything you have given me I am willing to make a trade. I called Memorial Sloan Kettering to get some input I could trust. My CA-125 was On May 20th I was sitting and I took an unnatural double breath. I asked if there could be something under the bowel, around the bowel. I started by just walking around the block. What is shocking is that women willingly allow other people to tell them what is happening between their own legs and not using the heart and brain God gave them to take care of themselves and their daughters so we know whats happening in our own bodies. I am just lucky and thankful to have had the last 11 (and hopefully more) years with her, and pray everyday for a miracle. Cancer, regardless of the type, is a family disease since the entire family is affected in such a devastating way. There is much I have never had time to appreciate, now I can. Also to determine if the chemo did indeed work, or would I need further treatment. At first she responded well to treatments but remission did not last long. I was so surprised. He said to me, that if I was his wife and we already had two children, that he would want me to have the surgery. Before April 27 I thought my bloating, gas and pains were recent never before gallbladder problems. Odds given to me were poor but I needed to survive and Ovarian Cancer and I butted heads. March 2009, my Dad helped me decide on more treatment. First of all, I had regularly visited my doctor and complaining of fluid retentions and major bloating. She went through surgery and chemotherapy and did not have a reoccurance for six years. There were tumors in both ovaries, on my abdominal wall, one in my liver, on on my spine, and a bunch in my Omentum. She was sleeping for almost 3 days straight before she died. I prayed to God for his guidance, support and to help me make the right decision. Before she died, she gave each of us a bit of her wisdom and encouragement. I am a retired school teacher of 31 years. It was decided I was to have a laparotomy to see what of my reproductive organs can be saved. Within the week a blood test and the analysis of the fluid pulled from my lungs indicated cancer. I have learned to live with that fear and keep in the back of my mind, not the front. Darrell had colon cancer, colon exploded after surgery it was bad but year later he looked great. So after much research by his wife, my sister, he went to Dr. I have just begun the genetic counseling process. It gave her relief for a day or two before it started growing again and the legs swelled. She was sleeping for almost 3 days straight before she died. Her GYN doctor told her that her CA-125 was also up so she had to go to Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California. Share your story with your family and friends. She was grabbing things with her fingers, almost like she was sewing. The clots got larger and larger, the bleeding heavier and heavier. I started researching the internet for my symptoms. She died in March 1996 just before i graduated from high school. All my doctors feel that this cancer will kill me as they do not know what, if any, chemotherapy they can try as no scientific studies have been done on this form of cancer. My gynecologist sent me to a gynecological oncologist for follow-up. On October 15, 2007 we received the news that she would not be able to handle any type of chemo treatment and that she could go home or to a hospice. I just want to tell other patients that ovarian cancer can be scary but there can be long periods of time when life can be very good in between occurances. I have lost 25 kg in weight and have felt really good for the last 3 years. Even though it has been 26 years I still see the Oncologist and have the CA 125 test and a pelvic and abdominal sonogram once a year. Then one night, it was so painful, then I vomited. She said that she lived with cancer-not in spite of it. A gut wrenching illness just flows through every ounce of your being. CA 125 only dropped to 40 so I got two extra treatments finally dropped to 23. They told me these were small and it was not a concern. She explained that my mass was over 16 centimeters wide and she was 99% sure it was malignant. They gave my family the news right after surgery that the tumor was malignant. This was performed along with the implantation of a port. The night before she died everyone left one by one to get home, get the kids to bed and get some sleep. My CT scans have been good. She has tremendous bloating in her abdomen and now has to puree all of the food she eats. I will say that God gives me the strength to handle this, everyday, as I need it. Well within minutes of getting her out of bed, multiple blood clots released and travelled to her lungs. I went back to the doctor and he did a CA 125 test. I went in her room to check on her and she had brown vomit on her mouth and clothes. I knew then that I had a knot on my side. We were all there awaiting to hear from her doctors in four hours that all was well and she was on the road to recovery. B: I am alive today because of my guardian angel (an ovarian cancer survivor). Since she had a hard time swallowing we put in a g-tube before she was discharged home. A pet scan showed a mass and a spot on my liver and behind my breastbone too. I was sick and forced to stop every hour or so to vomit on the roadside. I had stage 3 ovarian cancer that had spread to my small intestines. k. Then I had 12 more taxol consolidation treatments. The medical examiner denied her and said natural causes. On my 30th birthday she had been on one of her diets and lost almost 60lbs. Cranberry juice, lean chicken and fish, broccoli, rice, and watermelong (when I could eat) made me strong. Remembering back I was visualizing Donna placing her hands on her lower abdomen while walking and complaing of discomfort. Click here for Part One Click here for Part Two. I started chemo the next week. it was firm. How was I supposed, to wake up, and get diagnosed. Went camping in June. Hi, my daughter Carly who is 24 has been diagnosed with serous borderline ovarian cancer stage 3 with invasive implants - very confusing as borderline tumours are not supposed to spread. I found that after one week after a session I begin to gain strength until the next session. Oh, forgot to tell you that I know what is going on before I even go in, I know that part of this is my asthma but with all the other tests that were done, my mind has been in overdrive just wondering what kind it was going to be. My mom, Felecia Guidry lost her battle to ovarian cancer August 29. The next morning I got my stomach tapped. I have developed a simple and wonderful analogy: if my car was broken, I would take it to a mechanic and the mechanic would tell me what was wrong with my car then the mechanic would fix the problem then charge me for the repairs. My husband got to stay home from Iraq so I was glad he would be there for me this time. On the day of her surgery to remove these tumors, our family was informed that Monica not only had ovca but also uterine cancer. July 31 my husband dropped me off at the hospital (by myself) and I got admitted etc. She was scheduled for surgery a few weeks later. I had tests including a colonoscopy and they were normal. I will continue to take these alkaline supplements. peacefully. My family doctor sent me for a pelvic and abdominal scan and the results showed no abnormalities. Her prognosis is 6 months to 1. I saw my doctor over aperopd on months and finally he suggested I get a c-scan. After two rounds her numbers where steadily rising. They are always there for their children and their grandchildren. Each day is a gift, a true gift from God. Joan Marie a. No one in my family is or probably ever will be. During and still to this day, I take immune builders, recieve accupuncture to improve my immune system. Have gained many valuable friendship thru these also. It was January 5, 2007 when my brother and I went to the emergency room and I spent about 12 to 14 hours there with my brother, my cousin Rose and her husband. The cancer had spread to her bowel and other areas. Ruth was slim, vibrant and active at age 60. In August 2007 I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer stage 1B and had a total hysterectomy. We both talked and he said he was pretty sure it was only a cyst (probably dermoid in origin). ) Family doctor sent me to the local hospital for ultrasound looking for gall stones. He said my blood work showed only slight of pre-menopause. At that point, after loosing all confidence with his abilities as her primary, I like a protective mother I kicked into overdrive. I was living with my grandma and my Mom was dying. You had two volleyball-sized low malignant tumors removed. It was a wonderful relief to have the staff to care for her and us. She is waiting for the doctor to make up her mind what she will do. Everyone thinks that I am just being paranoid because of the hereditery issues with ovarian cancer. Pippitt for everything they have done for me. They think that it because of my own fault when really I am allergic to the anaesthetic. And yet, not strange, for it has grown to be. I have had regular checkups with CT scan each year, CA125 tests every three months, and chest x-rays every 6 months. I went into hospital 17th October, needed to get over the hysterectomy first. Well anyway, I go down into the Iv room and they hook me up and start to give me the stuff they give to people before surgery. a piece, and took out four inches of my intestines that the mass had laid on, and had damaged, plus they took out my appendices. One week later I went to have my staples removed, and she told me my pathology report had just come back. he did all the debulking and performed the HIP chemo, which by the way takes 9 hours in all. Most of the night was spent worrying about my baby, and as the spotting continued, I headed to the hospital. She managed to tell me she knew she was not making sense and was confused. I have changed my diet and eat a lot of natural fruits, grains, soy and veggies, and no meat and take some supplements. I am now just about 12 years survivor of ovca stage 4. Message to R: The line has been kind of busy. I peed again and the urine was the color of cranberry juice. My mother went back again to a different doctor and was diagnosed with Stage IV ovarian cancer. s. If I had not had that fall I may still not know that I had a dangerous cancer growing. I would like to know things to expect and also someone to relate to. First of all I would like to commend you all for your strength and courage while going through this terrible disease. I tell her that she is giving me a gift by being so upbeat, positive and by setting an example of hope and acceptance. For the next couple of weeks I will be getting labs done once a week and then will have my next treatment. Especially the women of the OVCA Message Board who check-in to be a shoulder to cry on, and to share information that you may not recieve from the doctors. They now know that she is resistant to all but two types of chemo. We went to see her neurologists and they said she looked good. Lea Ann was referred to an oncologist at MD Anderson in Houston, Texas. I kept insisting the pain was getting worse so at one ER visit they found I had blood in my stools and ordered a colonoscopy. They ran a cat scan and the doctor saw something partculair on the film. So surgery was put off. He explained that my tumor markers were above 1900 with the normal range between 0-30. And I pray that women will listen to their bodies and pursue further testing if they feel something is wrong. I watched the woman who i admired lose herself. I will be praying for all of you and your families. I woke up May 10,2009 and went to pee like I do every morning. In hindsight, she had most of the symptoms of ovarian cancer for several months. Last summer at Hopkins I had surgery to remove 2 ft of my right colon due to stage 1 colon cancer. There is residual fall-out from the hysterectomy, unfortunately. My concern now is her depression and her denial of it. Once arriving at the hospital, I had an ultrasound performed. Irregular findings but nothing indicated cancer - medication to clear up problems. I beg you father hear my prayers and answer one more time. She woke up one morning with chest pains and was rushed to the ER. Something I thought was wrong as it wasnt from the diet. After the mainline treatments in May 04, I had to have a surgery for a big incisional hernia (repaired with mesh). People around me were in more shock than I was so I was continually comforting them and trying to maintain some type of self control and yet go through my mourning period. Three weeks in NYU and then three weeks in hospice. So in two days she is going for another biopsy. A few months later she was admitted into the hospital (ICU) where she lasted a month and passed on February 9, 1999. My son and husband rushed me to the emergency room once again. I looked out at the water in her room and saw boats going by, waves hitting the shore and sea gulls flying about. I believe in my heart she was and still is my guardian angel. I cared and I was so scared, but the amount of pain I was in was over-riding those fears. It was an 8 cm. He sent me for a lung, abdomen, and pelvic CT scan. We went to see her neurologists and they said she looked good. I just went to the doctor yesterday February 10,2010. She died the next moring I was 11 she was supposed to live 6 months my mom made it 8 years. We will continue treatment in 30 days as he wants my body to recuperate and see if some of the neuropathy disappears. My mother, Kathy McGee, continued to bravely fight cancer after she submitted her story in Nov. I found out my CA125 tumor marker was 16,000. She underwent numerous tests, and after they aspirated fluid from her abdomen the test came back. I know he wanted to be in on the decision making, but my mind was already made up and it was my decision to make. Later on she was put in the hospital permanently until she felt better. She died after two days of 18th cycle of chemotherapy. Within a week, I could barely walk since my lungs filled up with fluid. No more was said that day, nor for another 2 months about the knot. In November of 2009 my Ca 125 gradually started rising. All I can come up with is continue to make people smile through my strengh and to ask the medical profession to work on ultrasounds for women before it is too late. However, the cancer treatment centers are a very good place to be if you have cancer. I went and drank the stuff I had to drink and went home and drank some more and then I went back and had my scan. July 5, 2012: I am here and guess what, my orders are not signed. I thought she would beat it and everything would go back to normal. Within a week I drove myself to the emergency room because I could barely breathe and my chest was on fire. When I looked back down at her face she was just a shell. We should find heaven right round about us lies. I suppose the hardest part was taking care of the bag. Had she had a full surgical hysterectomy maybe this could have been avoided. Well like I said before, BAM the words that would change my life forever. He told me my ovaries was fully covered with cancer. Since remission, my hair has grown back (curly all of the sudden). Separating from my husband, moving, selling a house, hectic work schedule, climbing, making friends, dating, etc etc, things started to slide a little. No matter how sick she had been, she remained positive and loving. Wonderful that my mom has had the care she deserves, the doctors in Illinois thought it smart not to do more debulking right away and go for more chemo. in remission. After she spoke to all 3 kids (including myself) and my dad, something changed her mind and now she is ready for a battle. She had complained of stomach pains and went to the doctor to find that she had cancer throughout her ovaries and uterus. Dr Ball did biopsies from all around her chest cavity but they all came back negative. I had completely no appetite and would not eat for at least 5 days after a session. I heard a psychiatrist on a radio talk show once explaining that many people who survive a traumatic illness suffer PTSD. I spent most of Feburary in and out of the hospital because of my blood cell count until finally in mid March I was stabilized and okay and home for good. My mother is diabetic and proper nutrition was and still is a challenge for her. Lymph node removed, 6 weeks radiation and weekly carbo. And that was the last time I had to have it tapped. They were on the verge of losing their home of 30 years and their business of 40 years because of the bad economy. The pain did not resolve, so finally I had an MRI done, which revealed an. So close it lies, that when my sight is clear. A nurse PA had done my yearly physical July 2007 and dismissed my suggestion of a colonoscopy because I had one two years previously. I have not been diagnosed as having any kind of cancer, yet the first GYN ontological surgeon I visited recommended a total hysterectomy, even though my CA-125 score was 7. After returning from Florida at the end of April, I went to my pcp for a laxative since I had returned bloated and constipated. ) On Jan 17th, the nightmare began when I took mom to ER because of breathing problems. My husband is about to blow a gasket and I am one of those who says he will sign them, when he gets here. Summer 2006, I experienced symptoms of gastrointestinal stuff throughout the summer. Her Gyn did not have an oncologist present for the surgery, tried entering 4 different places and could not. The best we can do is to deal with our challenges and make the best of our life. But since she is only 16, being a mother is many years away. Sept 2004: second chemo after the 2nd recurrence. If you have stage IV liver cancer it is horrible and takes you fast. Her school had supported her, they had fundraisers in honor of her, and they made t-shirts and bracelets and any money they could to save her life. I went to the doctors in early March after experiencing back pain, bloating and getting a period after a year. Every test showed nothing out of the ordinary. I am No Thing because I am not static, not uniform, not in a box, not a disease, not a political party. After four more surgeries several weeks in a hospital along with more chemo, she is finally in remission. This silent killer is responsible for taking the lives of thousands of women every year. I know I feel those who have gone from here. Today, Monday, June 28, 2004, my mom had her follow-up appointment to discuss her pathology reports and a course of treatment. I was put in the hospital immediately and was unable to go to my moms funeral. On April 27, 2005 my world as I knew it changed. I am still suffering from effects of the chemotherapy, peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet, acute tiredness, memory problem, my skin keeps breaking out and I have tinnitus. Left lobe is predominantly affected seen reaching up to left lateral wall. Mom had never been sick and the prospect of surgery scared her. I talked to my brother David and my Mom, and I was so scared but I finally decided to do it. I feel that between medication and God, I am still alive and without pain. Can anyone share a Doxil success story - and perhaps what to expect on Doxil. I have not had a menstral cycle in several months. Now she orders a CA-125 test to test for cancer. She was a blessing in my life and I thank God for such an incredible mom. Thankfully, God heard my prayers and three months later, in 1976, I had a healthy, beautiful baby boy. My onocolgist, a brilliant woman, was kind and compassionate. After getting out of the hospital and recovering from the ordeal she had been through, she began her chemotherapy again and received a clean bill of health at the beginning of January. 1998 I had a normal period. For all of you that have been affected by this horrible thing called cancer, please know that you are not alone. I had her cremated because I wanted to kill the cancer once and for all because the cancer took my mother quickly and swiftly. Her first round of Chemo she ended up in the hospital with blood clots in both her lungs,she spent a week in the hospital,she had another round of chemo. I remember telling her. 25, 2012 and now it is time for another scan. It is just so hard but we can get through this. Brittany Waldrep died in the early morning hours of July 20, 2006, a couple of months before her 25th birthday. He started having pain in his upper right side. We went for it they ended up doing a complete hysterectomy and found cancer cells on the inside of her ovary. This woman doctor carefully read my notes and noticed my family history of cancer. The doctors told me it wa a cyst and it was on the left ovary. Pneumonia. I took fertility drugs, never gave birth (adopted my beloved daughter), and had a history of pelvic pain. She has been in remission for 3 years and two weeks ago we found out she had a tumor on her pelvis and her liver. For those of you like me who were young when you were diagnosed and may not be able to have children of your own because of it, just focus on the fact that you are still here and take one day at a time. In August 2003, the second surgery was performed by a gynecology oncologist, followed by 6 rounds of chemotherapy. He comforted her and told her to go with them if they wanted her to go. I had a friend take photos of me having my head shaved and trying on different wigs. I just want to write that I am so scared. it would be greatfully received and MUCH appreciated. Thank you for reading my story and I pray that you continue the good fight and live a long and healthy life. So now we are waiting to see if the cancer shows up again in another Cat scan. So she got a third, it repeated that she likely had ovarian cancer. Cancer cells were also found in the peritoneal wall but all of the other organs looked healthy. First six cycles of chemotherapy shown a lot of improvement. I did not see any reason to anymore, I was cancer free. He recommended 4-6 rounds of chemo, then if able, debulking surgery. They gave him antibiotics and sent him home. The lowest my CA125 has been since surgery was 167. Mom and Dad had to cancel a cruise with their high school classmates to have the surgery. The cancer had just spread too far, too fast. She also underwent surgery to remove the infected port, her lung collapsed from pneumonia and she had to have surgery to reinflate the lung where a chest tube was inserted and left in for drainage purposes, and she had deep pocket of fluid build up in her left thigh that she had to have surgery on. They are going to give her 6 chemo treatments first (one every three weeks), then check the tumor(s) and then if necessary debulk or resume 6 more treatments. I am now on relapse 3, but have enjoyed nearly 8 years of family happiness and closeness. I have to begin by saying that I have not been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Decided to go the next day so the dr. It would not sink in until much later that boxing and conditioning is hard work. Then the path reports came back. She raised her 4 children alone after my father died. From the moment I was diagnosed I had no doubt in my ever-loving mind that I would beat this thing. The urologist got the stone out, walked into my hospital room, and told me to find a new gynecologist the day I was released. This is our past and this is our current reality. Come to find out my mri said I had an L-5 herniated disk but I did not do anything that could have hurt my back. We were preparing to go to our family reunion and my mom became very ill. I asked him to send another report to my GP and he said yes. At that point, she never had a bowel movement again. I went to a clinic and then a specialist who ordered an ultrasound. I thought I had better go to the Doctor and get it checked out. did a CA-125 every 3 weeks and during that time it went up a little bit 2 times but went down little by little every other time. I took care of her with the help of ocassional nurses, medical equipments and friends. I was 34. It was stage 4, but the strange thing was that my ovaries were normal. Here you will learn the basics of boxing, from how to throw the common jab, cross, and hook, to learning proper form for push-ups, squats, pull-ups and chin-ups. I just had a check-up Jan 23rd and was given a clean bill of health again for which I am thankful for. She was once very strong and determined to beat this, but I see her hope dwindling every day. I was so worried that she would not be there for this birth. He was very confident he got all visible signs of cancer. I chose not to be tested to confirm the diagnosis since there is no early screening for brain cancer. Like the fighter she is, she survived with just a few minor drawbacks. She made an appointment with a new neurologist for early June so she would not have to miss a school day. and he reiterated the same thing and said we would continue with the last 2 treatments as I can only have 8 of this combination. Can anyone offer some insight is this something we should be worried about as we are. By that time I was so swollen and in excruciating pain I could hardly walk. My beautiful angel was born by C-section at full term. I am very afraid of what the reults will be. His blood work, which they do to show a certain score that leys the Dr know if he has cancer still was on the high side. In 2000 I develop pelvic pain again after intercourse. With each passing day, the struggles of the fine line between Hope, Reality, Wishes, Expectations and Dreams remain. On Febuary 21st my mother was scheduled to see Dr. On her death certificate it said respiratory aspiration. He would start with laproscopic surgery to see if. My hope for others who are facing this disease is not to despair. My surgeon ordered an ultrasound after a suspicious pelvic exam. I know this because I had to leave a Rascal Flatts concert early due to some pretty severe pains I was having during the show. I knew in my heart that no matter what happened, God would take care of me. 18, 2006. I had added fish oil, gingko biloba, biotin, multivitamin, and other things to my repertoire and it was a chore every day to take them all. 15, 2008. My mother and sister were diagnosed six months apart about eight years ago. She does not believe it to be cancer because the CA-125 test came back negative. In December 2009 I had my second PET scan. She went home hospice came out and went through all the details of this and that. Hmmmmm. Because she was in bed for four weeks with no movement whatsoever, she had to undergo physical therapy while in bed which was very painful as she was experiencing horrible muscle pain. My grandma seemed to be doing well, so the decision was made to get her out of bed. When she was diagnosed with Clear Cell Cancer a form of Ovarian Cancer back in October of 2003, we were all devastated. I was pissed off because the recovery time would be 4-6 weeks -no climbing. They took her off chemo in November and got her ready for debulking surgery. Our house burned to the ground on April 4 2008. Not on any medication for either illnesses at this time. He told me he could not complete the test because of my pain. On May 12th I had surgery and a hysterectomy, debulking and staging was done. That was before my life turned around the doctors soon were becoming my family. I guess he thought it was all related to my womenly parts, sending me for a pap smear, a mammogram, an MRI of the back and of course the test that revealed it all an ultrasound of the pelvic area and abdomen. My mother, Patsy Beck, was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in October of 2004. I thought she would give up. For anyone facing this disease, whether you are the patient or someone close to the patient. She has an appointment at Duke university Jan 6, 2009 to find out what stage she is in. The medical examiner denied her and said natural causes. So he does what he can, stopping by for support and and helping financially. The stories have been an inspiration and they fill me with such hope. I had two ports put in and did taxol in top and carbo in bottom straight to peritoneum for 6 treatments. So I had my full hysterectomy any chance of us having a child is now gone, but the bright side is, IM HERE. Now I know Ovarian cancer can not be detected by just having Pap Smear. I began a Stage II Clinical Trial (Make sure everything is okay with your insurance company) on July 27. Ovarian Cancer, and there is a button you can press on that page to send the. By the way, I have spoken to other women in similar sitch who got the cancer within a few months of going off bc pills at doc request. She was diagnosed in Oct 2002 just a couple months after she came back from a short stay with us in US. The doctor told me I needed an ultrasound chest x-ray ca-125 which was 250. It showed a large mass on my left ovary and I was scheduled to see an oncologist. I was diagnosed with Stage III ovarian cancer in 1983 shortly after my college graduation. Daily she was praying for the answer to her problem. I challenge you to listen, as we have, so silently, for so long. I thank God everyday for not letting her suffer and giving us the years he had. The hospital was so different from anything we had hoped for. And that was that the Lab had found cancer in both ovaries and both fallopian tubes -- what a shock for me. She worked full time in a sewing factory kept house for herself and our aging mother. However, my first opinion surgeon seemed to me to be jumping the gun. We talked about chemo and whether or not she could handle it. They would admit her then the regular doctors would come and to say the bowel obstruction was open. I risked her life to save mine and I must always remember how much I prayed for her. My family doctor did my pap test and he ran all the panels of blood work. In desperation I changed doctors and was immediately sent to a consultant and within four weeks had an operation to remove the much enlarged uterus, my ovaries, and a tumor. His recommendation was based on the idea it would be better to have a nationally known expert perform my surgery because surgery is a big deal. I fought for a cat scan and she was finally diagnosed. Lea Ann continued working as a 3rd grade teacher in spite of her discomfort. I was glad when I finished chemo, it was hard going in and out of the hospital. This can be fought and with the love of your family and the trust of God you can be a survivor. She passed away peacefully at home like she wanted to. So stay strong and think positive. I dont think I have ever cried so much in my life then I did that day. Fast forward 4 years and 40 lbs and I began to feel unwell. Well, for me my life began at 52, when I met my wonderful husband and moved to England. Just make sure that you get a doctor who communicates well with you and make sure you understand what you are facing. My daughter is a gift from God and each day I thank Him for my beautiful child and for my treasured life. She told me I had Ovarian Cancer stage 4 and ascites. Mom did not enjoy losing her hair, but she wore her many hats with flair. She introduced me to my surgeon, my brilliant Mr. In a matter of 3 months my mother went from 150 pounds to 90 pounds and no hair. She was home in two days and back on her feet feeling the best she had in years in January. I got an appoinment quickly, even got to see a female doc. Sometimes Pain (I was very lucky to have this). It was very hard to watch my mom go through the suffering. When she called upon her radiologist, Monica was informed that these were probably side effects of the radiation and that she might be slightly impacted or have an obstruction. At this point, I am sitting here wondering if whatever is in my ovaries has mesastized from my ovaries, to my colon, to my spine, to my brain. I am a 45 year old mother of 2 boys (age 4, and 6). Knowing your risks and being screened for early detection is key to long term survival. She gave her complete attention to you when you were with her. Her CA-125 came back at 475, which the doctor said was consistent with a malignancy. He said he had removed the shrunken tumors and taken out my appendix but when he got to the pelvis he discovered live cancer on my bowel. When she started chemo, she lost a lot of weight. So I spent almost 6 months on a wound vac. I live in Canberra,Australia at 89 Owen Dixon Drive, EVATT A. I found out my CA125 tumor marker was 16,000. The Lord used her hospital room as a place of ministry as she ministered to all those who entered her room. But like I said she is a fighter and always had a contagious smile on her face. They did tell me however that hole would tell a big story. Every once in a while she would sleep for a whole day, day and a half. At that time, I started having problems with my period, fatigue, bloating etc. We did not know what had happened, but we had an idea. Within four days I was home and healing just fine. I was 42 years old and the mother of a young daughter aged 12. The EMT team came took me to the hospital. While awaiting the appointment for the second opinion she was seen in the Emergency Room three times in one weekend. While I was in surgery they found my cancer on my ovaries and intestine and abd wall. If I remained pregnant after the surgery, my child could have ended up with many serious problems. There had been a leak from the ceiling in the main hall of a 3 story (50 home apartment building) just outside my front door. They removed a 17 lb. She was on all different pain medications and vitamins. She boldly insisted on an exploratory surgery and he agreed to do it reluctantly. After her stomach had swollen to the size of a woman who could have easily been eight months pregnant she went to a local family doctor. The surgery was supposed to only last four hours. In the spring of 2006, she began to have stomach pains. However, as days go by, I remember her words of wisdom, her deep love for me and the legacy of love she left to all who knew her. One of the reasons my mother was diagnosed so late was not because of a misdiagnosis as my sister suggested in a previous paragraph but because my mother, as well as other women, refuse to recognize when they are ill or pretend that everything is ok. When I went back to work in October, I was still going through chemo. After school I participated with the Track and Field program. He told me that from the cat scan I have inflamed lymph nodes, Im scared. She was now officially a very advanced stage IV. it is genetic. My Mother had no direct abdominal symptoms when diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she had been having respiratory difficulty, which had been happening on and off for a couple of years. I lost my ovaries (I had had a partial hysterectomy last year), the rest of my cervix, my appendix, part of my large and small intestines and my omentum. Noah Goldman is now practicing at Beth Isreal in Manhattan. The OBGYN doctor listened carefully to me as he reviewed my file. She truly lives for them, she is a grandmother who gets down and plays with the kids all day. We lost her on May 27, 2006, but she left a legacy of a life well lived with a loving husband of over 32 years, two grown children who adored her, and numerous family members and friends who loved her dearly and will miss her immensely. He tells me they had found something on my left ovary but was not sure if it was only a cyst. Her diagnosis was a shock, but she was a tower of strength through her surgery and recovery. Pippitt, was sent by God, because I was scared that day when he came in my room. And when they had done my lung surgery they found gangrene in left shoulder so thought maybe just left over pain. This time again chemotherapy was given for six times which again brought down the AFP level below 200. For a heavenly day is a lifetime this is what I know. Mom also told me that she thought because she had a large stomach and always wore big clothes that she just thought she had a big gut. We three share that bond and nothing that has or may happen will ever take that from us. In June 2007 during my routine six month check-up I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer and had a subsequent complete hysterectomy. My mother had two surgeries in less than a year in order to remove as much cancer as they could. They opened me from my breast bone down so they could see if they could see anymore cancer. Over the past 1. My OBGYN was marvelous, and after some more tests, she convinced me to have surgery. The cancer had become estrogen resistant and her body was not tolerating the treatments anymore. I was told after having a CT Scan that I probably had either Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma or Ovarian cancer due to large amounts of fluid in the abdominal area. The mediport done just what they said it would do it sent the chemo straight to her tumors were it collected in her stomach and made her deathly ill for weeks. I prayed to God and the Lady of Lourdes for my recovery. As with most kids Rocky was the reason I got involved in the sport of boxing. She told me the ultrasound showed a mass and asked me if I had been able to get an appointment with the Gyn. So I start to really freak and ask myself what can be so bad that my doctor would tell me this. In April 2005, my husband had to go in the hospital for he almost had his third heart attack. My CA 125 went from 427 to 6. I was hospitalized in March 04 with a severe infection. I am going on day to day with the help of my family and friends and antidepressants. In the meantime her cancer appeared in her lymph nodes in her neck and upper chest area. says that yes I have cancer it is considered Stage IV Ovarian. I had a gut feeling it was worse than it appeared so I sought an opinion of a surgeon, who found another swollen lymph node under my arm. His appendix had ruptured and their was only the outside core of it left. I received Taxol and Carboplatin every three weeks for six treatments, finishing on January 31, 2008. She called cancer her blessing and really enjoyed what time she had left. Laugh. which made me feel very scared for her. I found out the meaning of life and love while fighting for my life. You can Google all kinds of information about the pathology and treatment of cancer but there is not much regarding the emotional side of cancer. For those of you reading this, please do not ever give up hope. The experienced doctor recognized the tissue looked suspicious. I just had surgery on the 4 and it was much more extensive than they thought. He then got me to lie on the bed in his surgery and he had a look and feel around my stomach, then said oh your right there is something there. She was going to enjoy what was left of life. The chemo that she was on for the first year her body started rejecting it. On Oct 3, 2006, I had to have hernia surgery, and while they were fixing that, Dr Pippitt took samples and sent them off to see if there was any cancer. He told me to call him back and let him know the next week what she wanted to do. I continued with this pain in my side for another eight weeks or so living on Tylenol and motrin. The next morning I met with my doctor, she changed the chemo drugs and I had the chemo the next day. She got very sick from the chemo and was given a 30% chance survival rate. I have been cancer free for 16 months now, have my hair back, still working and have wonderful children, family and friends surrounding me. I am writing this on Thursday, Aug 4th, 3 days in from her first chemo session. However, my CA 125 after second operation was 78. By August 2007 a tumor growing on the dome of my liver penetrating my diaphragm was visualized. We speak as one without boundaries and indeed in many respects ovarian cancer IS the silent killer. When he came back, I called and called for an appointment and was finally given one the next day. I recommend all women to be screened for this devastating cancer. cute note I never lost one strand of hair:) during chemo, Dr and nurses were amazed. Mom was bedridden during the entire process and had to have a decatheter to use the bathroom. Microscopic cancer cells were also found in two adhesions on her bowels and in the lining in her pelvic area. This particular cancer was a form that continuously produced and multiplied tumors throughout her body. At the end of my chemo my CA-125 levels went from 4000 to 19. My mom spent LOSTS of time in the hosptial and I made friends with the nurses and doctors. In Nov 2007 Mom had to be hospitalized with severe abdominal pain. This is a woman whom 8 yrs prior had a kidney transplant. I just got out of a relationship that I had been in for 4 years just last week and now I find this out. I got up in the morning and made breakfast for my nieces (8 and 6), 2 sons (10 mos. I saw her pillow out of place and went to check on her and realized she had passed. I lost my husband when he was 40 years old to brain cancer. It worried me a little but I figured she was tired from the new wheelchair and being up in it. I was proned to passing out and three times woke up and found myself slumped on the floor. I went for gastric by pass surgery in Jan of 06. She was told she had ulcer, IBS or gall stones. God bless. When I saw my cancer doctor he said I needed surgery but if he did it then he would not even give me a 50% chance. I have had six sessions of this medication. I send my good thoughts and vibes to all out there who are fighting this fight. I hope this will give hope and encouragement for those who might be in need as that is the reason I am here. Still thinking, they had caught it early enough left me with lots of hope for a recovery. Hello, I am 43 years old, married with a 14 month baby girl. it was rebound pain, like I had felt before, when I had my appendix out a few years ago. We set up her hospital bed right in the living room next to a large picture window at her request. From weeks of crying, I looked awful and many around me were worried for my health. J: (Dr. He scratched his head, leaving me to wonder whether he had any idea what I was talking about. First of all let me tell you about myself then my story. Her CA-125 was well over 6,000. Then she saw people (like my nephew) sitting in the room. My husband held me and explained to me that he wanted me to have the surgery as our other two children needed a mommy. I continued to ignore it and just hoped it would go away. Had the 5th chemo after recurrence. I went to the Gynecologist for the first time in my life because I was having discomfort in my abdominal area, especially when my bladder was full, and I figured at my age it was time to get checked out in case I would find Mr. I am a nurse in Tennessee, and I know that we are all facing a long, devastating road ahead. He told me not to say anything to her at all. My parents live in Atlanta and there were prayer chains from Georgia to Alaska. At that point I felt extremely self-conscious of my appearance. So the nurse takes us back to at least let us know what is going to happen and give us info on medication that I will be taking. All that my gny-obs did was have my blood checked for HCG hormones and that was 3 weeks ago- she said the results were not back yet. The Gyn examined me that Wednesday and ordered a CT scan. So, my heart goes out to any of you, especially the very young, who have lost your mother. People would tell me that it was all in my mind, and if I would just get up and stay active, the pain would go away. I think something more has to be done to detect this cancer early. One cycle of chemo put her back to remission clinically. If I had waited to go to the doctor, I may be in big trouble. I will never forget when the doctors called my family and I in a room and gave us the news that there was nothing else they could do and was not able to have surgery for her stomach because as they stated they would not be able to close it up afterwards because it was that bad. I read names, familiar names, some of whom have regrettably passed, and some who are hanging in there. I was worried and I told her I think I have cancer. I started experiencing indigestion and gas and I was popping Tums and over-the-counter gas medications like crazy. She had a tumor on her ovary and fluid in her abdomen. 20 smaller ones covering my whole groin. Then one day I went back to my GP with a different complaint, my right breast was red and inflamed and within a week it had doubled in size. Her oncologist decided to go another route and infuse her intravenously. She has undergone 7 cycles (before operation 4 cycles and after operation 3 cycles) of chemotherapy from 22. Ii had to deal with losing my mother all by myself. Continuing radiation therapy but will begin Doxil today. I will have a CT Scan next week and will have it removed for the first time. When visiting the oncologist he found a lump on my groin and diagnosed me with stage IV ovarian cancer. By the grace of God, my Mom is blessed with 2 awesome sisters. She is 49 years old and has been through chemotherapy once in 1995 for breast cancer. In 2002 I had been having a lot of problems with what they thought was. As January approached her breathing had become more and more labored, she went back to the pulmonologist and back to her PCP. So now, I am healing again and my energy is coming back. That if we could imagine someone turning over a box of oatmeal inside of her then we might get a clearer picture of what he had seen. I sat nervous and waiting, trying to stay calm because I have panic attacks. salpingoopherectoy if my ovaries looked bad. I did talk to Dan and sent him my ultrasound. Mom told me she did not want me to worrry. I spoke to her in late September following a class I had at a local community college where I learned about the symptoms of ovarian cancer. The nurse said I could have a urinary tract infection. I was immediately scheduled to see an Oncologist Gyn and put on chemo. A very strong and religious mother of four wonderful children and four grandchildren, newest is now 10 months old. Then to look at, next thing I know, an er doc comes in and says on the neuro doc thinks it is my sinus. My mom was my best friend, and I am so very thankful for the years the Lord allowed her to be in my life. Asthma. and 3), and nephew(2). my father and I took turns spending the night at the hospital with her and someone was always at her side. That night was my initiation into the club no woman ever wants to belong to. Trying to stay positive, the tears seem to flow a lot. I made a point this year of traveling to different states to see extended family, and I now am eager to go for walks with my husband (to get that Vitamin D and the exercise), out for coffee or shopping with my daughter, and out for dinner or making dinner for my son. Later, the tumor ruptured as it was being surgically removed. Still the twinging side pain. That was never told to them. She was discharged to me with the diagnosis of Paraneoplasy cerrebellar Degeneration- what it broke down to was her own antibodies were trying to attack cancer and misfired killing her brain cells. I did that and they thought it was a cyst on my ovaiary or diviticulitis. The fluid around my lungs contained ovarian cancer cells and a Cat Scan revealed suspicious spots on my kidney and a lymph node in my chest. After many test and two surgeries I have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I had two weeks to go but the chemo was still to strong. When I was first diagnosed, he suddenly realized he loved me and was devastated, and his wife became affectionate and caring. I think I almost see the gleaming strand. We are now done with chemo and planning on a family vacation this coming week. It is tough watching my loved ones around me. I came home Dec 8, 2005 and in Jan 2006, I had my first dose of chemo. I had an ultrasound done today that revealed I have an ovarian mass on my right ovary. I asked what does that really mean and they say it just means there was a lot of activity. Patti was a joy to be around, if she was with you, your day would be filled with pure excitement, never knowing what lies ahead. After that hospitalization it was rounds of chemo, surgery, and rounds of chemo. At ER did scan and blood test was told not cancer see Family Dr on Monday gave me shot of demoral let me go, but told me to see surgeon. She was discharged to me with the diagnosis of Paraneoplasy Cerrebellar Degeneration- what it broke down to was her own antibodies were trying to attack cancer and misfired killing her brain cells. All I worry about now is my weight, because I am heavy and have type II diabetes. God bless us all. Before my cancer was diagnosed, I tried Effexor (an antidepressant that helps with hot flashes). Last weekend had severe constipation unrelieved, then went to ER. This might seem overwhelming at first, but I have broken the site down into different steps ranging from beginner boxing tips all the way through advance boxing training works outs. The gyn-Onc Dr has told us that he has done all that he is able to do. Come near enough sometimes, to touch my hand. Anyone who would like to e-mail me please feel free. Something in me made me act like I was going to be out of work for a long time, longer than the four weeks. I do have friends that offer their support, and I am glad for them. The next day, while at work I realized that something was terribly wrong. I was staged a 2c, and will always be grateful to my internist for the fact that it was diagnosed as early as it was. Praise God. a. Also, remember that a positive attitude can be the best medicine. The GYN came out of the OR the morning of my laparoscopy and told my husband that I had dermoid cysts (nasty little bunches of rampant hair, nails, cells) but they were too big to be removed laparascopically. When my regular physician saw my BMP he called and suggested a GB scan as my SGOT AND SGPT were elevated about 20 points. She joked about and was incredibly candid about her impending death and openly shared her feelings with us all. a metastasize stage and AFP level shot up to over one lac. It is specially rewarding if it is also a fundraiser for cancer research. Reading most of these stories made me feel like mine had already been written by every one else. I did not go with one the first time, but I will never go without one ever again. I was surprised I was enjoying not only the good companies, but also the food when other survivors came to visit me. So we schedule my next treatment for next week. One day, I sat down and felt around my stomach. A terrible battle with a terrible doctor. I just had a checkup in October 2005 and everything looks good. I had a total hysterectomy and 6 months of treatment with carboplatin and I was diagnosed as cancer free. After two ultrasounds, she was tapped because she was having trouble breathing. She fought with all her might for the next 14 months doing everything the doctors asked her to do. Her body afflicted with a fever of 101, she ministered anyway. She had lupus and had a back surgery previously and always had pain in her lower back. So we called in hospice which was very nice and helpful and then on May 28th, 2001 at 11:45am my mom took her last breaths. During the entire cancer process, mom was alert but mom did not eat one bit of food from day one until she died. It is a group of climbers raising awareness of Ovarian Cancer. By the time she decided to get a hysterectomy it was too late. I was admitted to the emergency department of Epping hospital Melbourne, as I had a huge swollen abdomen. l. I pray that I can have a good life in spite of this, and that I may live long enough to see my fourteen-year-old daughter grow up. Well, I woke up from surgery to hear the news - it was cancer in all 3 masses. I wish the best for all patients and families and friends that have to go through the pain I did if not more. Put a numbing patch on sides just kept on going to work. Monica felt good and seem to be back in good health. I am reluctant to fill the script but I have to do something to get relief. I went to my doctor and he ordered a CT scan. During that trip I started feeling out of sorts but put it off to all the eating out and acting like a kid at Disney World. Their link to cancer is very strong but none of the doctors who treat infertility will ever play it up. They said this was really rare but it happened. I would recommend the cancer treatment centers to anyone. Everything about our lives seemed to be prefect I believed in fairy tales then. I was diagnosed at the age of 23 with stage III B of ovarian cancer. m. A CT scan picked up 2 cm new cancer on the left side in fatty area just under my left hip bone. We have learned so much from them in just short amount of time and I am overly thrilled with their kindness and determination to cure cancer for everyone. I feel that I do not want to give up on the medications. Three years to almost the day I had my first recurrence (2004). After tests to see if I was having internal bleeding, because I was taking blood thinners due to blood clots in my lungs and one in my right leg. A second surgery was done for a total hysterectomy. Upon removing the stones and bladder the doctor notice a lot of water. She was at peace in her gardens and loved to cook. I had a wonderful doctor and with the grace of God, I am still living after a horrifying experience. How I wish I had gone to the gynecologist first - it would have saved me two months of valuable time. They told us it was time for Hospice to get involved. By the way, FYI, I would do a pelvic ultrasound over a mammogram anyday. There, after many tests, they found that my blood levels were so low from the loss of blood that I was so anemic that it had actually affected the amount of blood available for my heart to pump. He gave me a prescription and I tried it for three days. Of course, that would not be enough time for a pain killer to work anyway. My Mother loved to camp out on the river, something she had done since she was a child. I work out all the time and the cancer has not stopped me from doing that or any thing else for that matter. On June 12, 2006 at 10:10 p. I took care of my kids, went out with friends, even traveled to visit family. It was a 4-hour surgery but I came through it even though I had to have 7 pints of blood before and after surgery. Every daughter takes great comfort in knowing you are there for her no matter what and that is HUGE to girls of all ages- believe me. All of these wounds were left open because of the risk of infection. I was hardly examined, diagnosed as being constipated, despite giving history of dily bowel movements. I had regular pap smears and pelvic examinations twice a year beginning in 1987 until 2000 with no irregular results. When the gynecologist finally came down, she looked worried. Patti had a smile and laugh that was so contagious that I could hear the Angels laughing right now from Heaven. There was no sadness in seeing her like that. Here are some of the things I did that I found helpful. I had an abdominal debulking and adhesions removed from my small bowels. I felt lost in depression because of the fact that she was gone. However there is far more to boxing, such as getting your body ready and conditioned for what boxing is about to do to it. tumor that was malignant, but it had not spread. His thought was my body just went whacky and BC pills would fix it. To this day I am amazed that I kept doing my job for three hours, without falling apart. Dr. It was one of the saddest days of my life. After arriving and trying to explain the pain I was having in my left side which radiated down my pelvic area and lower back to my nicely padded seat. As selfish and childish that I know that is, she had been there for every major event in my life and I would so miss her not being by my side to welcome this blessing. I put all this down to the travelling and being overweight. Stopped chemotherapy and began radiation therapy for pain control. is not familar with it, which many are not. We all attributed her weight loss to all of this. It was less than a year and it had come back. The doctor came in and told me I had stage IIIA ovarian cancer. The doctor came in got my history and told me they were going to do a ct scan. and I refuse to put my body, my beloved parents and other loved ones through any more trauma. Thanx for giving me the hotbox and toxic medicine I needed. She went back to the hospital about 2-3 weeks later for a follow-up and it turned out there were cancer cells on the outside of her right ovary. Dx: Serous Cystadenocarcinoma. She also started having night sweats, hair loss, and lost weight. We surprised the school big time when I came back. At this point we just needed to relieve the pain. I decided to see a Gastroenterologist because I thought it was my stomach. Her mother had ovarian cancer and she expired at the age of 55 some five years back. She sent me to have a virtual colonoscopy, and when the results came back it said I was OK, on reading the results I felt there was something wrong as they mentioned a tubal lig